Saturday, August 4, 2012

Csirke Paprikas

This dish is very near and dear to my heart. It is a traditional Hungarian dish that has come to be my comfort food, because it reminds me of my childhood. This was one of the few dishes that my grandmother excelled at (she was never much of a cook) and my aunts and great-aunts always make it for me when I visit them in Hungary. The goal of Hungarian cooking is to bring out the flavors of the food rather than mask them with heavy spices, and this dish is an excellent example of that. It is important to use fresh, quality, bright red Hungarian paprika - a combination of hot and sweet that blends beautifully with the flavors of the meat and vegetables.

Csirke Paprikas
·         1 large onion, sliced in rings                               Salt to taste
·         4 tbsp butter or bacon fat                                  3 garlic cloves, chopped or minced
·         1 ½ tbsp Hungarian paprika                             ¼ lb mushrooms, halved
·         Chicken thighs and breasts
·         2 cups chicken stock
·         1 green pepper, sliced
·         1 tomato, cubed 
       1 bay leaf
1     1/2 tsp caraway seeds

1.       In a pot, sauté onion rings in butter or bacon fat on medium heat until transparent.
2.       Remove from heat (to keep paprika from burning) and add paprika, chicken, tomato and green pepper. Mix well.
3.       Add chicken stock, bay leaf and caraway seeds and return to heat.
4.       Cover and simmer 2-3 hours or until chicken is tender, turning pieces occasionally
5.       Add mushrooms during last 15 min, garlic during last 5

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