Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Spicy Garlic Chicken

One day I wanted Chinese food. Unfortunately, this happened to coincide with a day on which I had no money. Lucky for me I had these ingredients in my kitchen, just waiting to be brought together in a symphony of deliciousness. I found lots of recipes for Chinese style garlic chicken, but most of them were much too complicated for my modest kitchen. I took the basics and experimented until I got it right. The amounts here are approximations, so use your own judgement! This recipe also works well with thinly sliced steak.
Spicy Garlic Chicken

·         2 chicken breasts, sliced
·         1 green onion
·         2 tbsp coconut oil
·         4 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
·         2 tbsp Sriracha chili sauce
·         1 tsp fish/soy sauce
·         1 tsp red wine vinegar
1.       Heat oil on med-high heat and brown chicken, about 10 min
2.       Meanwhile, combine chili sauce, garlic, fish sauce and vinegar in a small bowl.
3.       When chicken is cooked through, turn off the heat and pour the sauce mixture over the chicken and stir, covering the chicken. Simmer in remaining heat for about a minute.
4.       Garnish with sliced green onion. Serve with steamed broccoli.

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